LastSwab Basic – Reusable swab


LastSwab is a reusable, sustainable and sanitary alternative to cotton swabs, buds, and Q-tips. It helps combat the billions of single-use cotton swabs that are produced every day.


The cleaning alternative.

LastSwab Basic is the reusable alternative for your daily needs. Take the disposable swabs out of your life and it becomes part of the solution to the problem!

Each Last Swab can be used up to 1000 times!

Easy to clean

Clean LastSwab with soap and water, so simple. The closed surface of the limbs acts as a barrier to moisture, ensuring that bacteria do not stick.

What is it made of?

The ends of the swab are made of TPE, the rod is plastic and the case is PLA which is made of corn and is biodegradable.

Additional information
Weight 0.1 kg







